Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A New Decade...

Closed out 2019 with a combination win at both blackjack and poker in the same little cardroom (the corporation covers the bj antes, so it's still a profitable game - notwithstanding the spread limitation they've imposed for the purpose of thwarting counters).

I've recently added live poker back to my repertoire, and it's working out well thus far.  I stopped playing live poker several years back, in the wake of my failed relationship with a ”professional" high stakes player who ultimately convinced me that my approach to the game was suboptimal.  In hindsight, I realize now that I'm actually a better player than she was.

Playing higher-stakes blackjack has also helped my poker game in ways I hadn't anticipated - owing to the fact that the swings in bj have helped foster the "healthy disregard for money" that is vital for any successful poker player or AP.  I find myself using chips as tools much more effectively now - allowing me to "play the player" much more than I'd ever done in the past.  

It will be interesting to see how much poker factors into my AP exploits in 2020...