Saturday, November 6, 2021

Trip close-out...

A Saturday night and the end of a successful trip in terms of AV.  Nowhere near enough hours, but that's mostly a function of some difficult playing conditions in one region, and my having made the mistake of camping out tonite in a location with only one casino within reasonable driving distance.

This casino has a reputation of being sweaty, but what really ticked me off is that the PB refused my standard buy-in request of three green and two black.  He instructed the dealer to give me all green, and immediately got on the phone with what was presumably an instruction to security to 'watch this guy without a player's card and asking for black".  

Rather than end up in a less than optimal situation on my last night and a solid win already on the books, I elected to wrap the trip.  I've found a local bar and will relax with a few amber ales, preparing for the flight back tomorrow.