Thursday, March 7, 2019


Title of a great Jim Croce song.  Also happens to be the current evening of the week.  Just opened the four Bruce Springsteen CDs I ordered from Amazon; discovered one to be warped and unplayable.  A visit to the website and a few clicks later, and I've been promised a replacement in a matter of days.  There is something to be said for the online world...

I loved online poker, and then came black Friday - killed it for all of us.  A couple of years ago, I decided to refresh my earlier card counting training from years before and get back into the live blackjack circuit.  A decidedly different (and less efficient) medium than the online poker world, but the opportunity for vast profit abounds with the right mindset and mental preparation.  

I don't know how much I'll play this weekend, as I have a social engagement which may take up a fair amount of time... but I will certainly be making the rounds at least during the day Saturday, if not sooner. 

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