Saturday, April 15, 2023

Saturday musings...

Saturday morning, and trying to figure out what's next on the to do list for this upcoming video/single release.  The initial upload to youtube apparently failed, so... waiting for that two hour process to complete once again (hopefully with success this time around).

Watched the first draft of the EPK last night; very happy with the content, but not particularly happy with the look.  We kind of threw the interview together off-the-cuff without focusing on the appearance aspect, and (at least to me) it very much looks that way.  Reached out to the videographer to see if it might make sense to refilm those scenes...    

Found a really cool pint glass for the merch page, which is a nice option for fellow beer-drinkers out there...

How 'bout those Islanders?  Not only made the playoffs, but avoided a first-round matchup with the Bruins.  Cannot wait until game 1 Monday...

Going to make my way to one of the local poker rooms later today, and get as many hours in as possible this weekend...


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