Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Social Media Marketing

The last thing in the world I want to have to do is figure out how to market myself as an artist once the songs are ready to go.  Outsourcing this function to experts is clearly the way to go... but with social media being so youth-centric, it's hard to know who to trust with this task.  Experienced "brick and mortar" professionals may not be in touch with whatever makes today's youth (or at least users of social media) tick, and I doubt I would ever feel comfortable contracting with someone who's barely out of their teens.

I found a videographer who not only seems keen on the ideas of filming videos and EPKs for reasonable rates, but is also a big fan of ELO (and therefore likes the idea of working with my product).  So that's one key area potentially addressed.  But there is the question of regular contacts... the daily creation of posts to sites like Instagram and Facebook intended to be fresh and to keep product in the consciousness of potential fans.  Someone has to create the content; someone has to manage the website; someone has to create separate ad campaigns designed to drive viewers to those offerings... it's an incredibly complex (and potentially expensive) world...  

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