Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Folly of Delta Airlines...

I called Delta airlines four hours ago with a question regarding the timing of upgrades as a Gold Medallion member.  An automated message confirmed that - due to long wait times - a Delta representative would call back when available.

How convenient!  A more than courteous and reasonable approach that conveys a high regard for my valuable time - and I can confirm that as promised, I received that callback about seventy minutes ago.

That might seem like a surprising statement - that I received the callback seventy minutes ago.  Why so specific?  Well... that's because - *ahem* -  Delta has kept me on hold for seventy minutes since initiating the callback.  That's not a typo.  I didn't mean to state 7 minutes, or seventy seconds, or anything along those lines.  I'm watching that call time continue to increase on my phone as I continue to wait on hold.  Within the last thirty minutes, I've actually had two computerized recordings (wait, make that three) confirm to me that I "am next in line to be answered".

Yet, here I am, continuing to be kept on hold.

To summarize... Delta offered to call me back so that I wouldn't have to wait on hold for a representative - and has now kept me on hold for more than 70 minutes since calling me back.

This is indicative of one thing - just like the governments of the United States and California: 

Delta is hopelessly broken.   Let's please put some smart people in charge (and while we're at it, let's do that for the U.S. and California as well).

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