Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Resist the Argumentative Urge...

I often fantasize about what my response would be in the scenario where a casino taps a confederate officer to demand my ID.  I would be well within my rights to "remind" the officer that he may only require my ID in the event he suspects me of having broken the law.

The desire to win these battles is a significant flaw of mine.  Winning the ID batttle on principle might get you the money, but it will also make you very memorable - which is something we are obviously looking to avoid.

The other day, I walked to a cashier in a remote locale with a few thousand in chips.  Rather than prepare for the inevitable ID confrontation, I informed him upfront, in a friendly way, that I had left my ID back in my hotel room - and would I really neeed to drive the half hour to retrieve it and bring it back?

The cashier simply asked me what my name was (I provided a reasonable pseudonym, careful to ensure he had the "proper" spelling of my last name) and my birthday (I'm pretty sure I gave him the right month, but may have blanked on the day and year, and therefore estimated both).

The cashier dutifully typed the info in his system, confirmed that it didn't match any undersirables in the system, and proceeded to cash me out without incident.

You really can attract more flies with honey...

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