Sunday, September 5, 2021

Trip Close-Out...

At the airport.  Got here 3 hours early with the intention of relaxing in the Delta Skyclub... only to discover this airport doesn't have one.  Was certain they did... unforced error on my part.  Oh well... at least I've found a bar with decent food that has Sammy's on draft.  And a first class upgrade on my outbound flight...

Modest win on the trip that covered expenses and then some; would have been wonderful if not for a brutal session at a remote locale with great rules.  Took 6 hours of round-trip travel time to get there; the conditions and playability made it worthwhile (they allowed me several hours and no backoff ever came) - but the toke hustling was annoying beyond belief.  

Played one final session today at a chain location; spent an hour, got a sweet max bet shoe that lasted roughly half of the six decks - but only ended up clearing an additional 300 (after being up I would estimate roughly 1500 with a few hands left).  Such is the nature of max bet shoes.

Came up with a great idea for the forthcoming concept album... will compose a few songs called "Open Letter" to each of casinos, dealers and civilians...  

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