Friday, May 19, 2023

This Post Has No Title...

Shout out to the "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" record ;)

Waiting for a quick dinner at Hawaiian Gardens prior to starting my Friday night poker session.  Spent the last week transitioning from the Million Years release to Grey Wolf; both tracks are now out everywhere.  While Million Years was essentially a preliminary release in order to get the social media presence up and running, GW is being marketed more heavily to press/radio, and for playlisting... we'll see how that goes over the next month.

Finally got around to scheduling blackjack trips again... heading to Colorado next week for a quick 4-day turnaround, then will be hitting NorCal/Oregon, Minnesota and Iowa on a monthly basis through August.  It'll be nice getting back out there again since my last trip to the Big Easy region in January.

Vegas and Dallas currently tied going into the third period.  Wonder if there's a chance we'll get another 4OT thriller like last nite!

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